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Dogs banned from Main Ring at Botanical Gardens

Dogs have been banned from the Main Ring at the Botanical Gardens, Government said today.A spokesman said: "The Bermuda Botanical Gardens and the Arboretum have been experiencing serious problems with respect to dog handlers and owners who have been using the grounds to exercise their dogs."These beautiful facilities have been opened as a privilege for the owners and handlers to have their dogs on site, while in other jurisdictions the practice is usually forbidden in similar facilities."The Department of Parks and one of the Island's Dog Clubs have invested significantly in providing signs, manpower and Dogipots for handlers and owners to facilitate proper disposal of dog waste."Unfortunately, in the Main Ring and other grass locations about the Botanical Gardens, several handlers and owners have failed to collect or have blatantly refused to collect their dogs' waste, even after being instructed to do so by employees of the Department of Parks."Some of these handlers and owners have also been abusive and disrespectful towards staff who have been giving them direction on the privilege and proper etiquette when having animals in the facilities."Members of the general public have also disregarded signs informing them of closure for specific areas."Employees have had their clothes and body parts contaminated with the waste during the operation of equipment such as lawn mowers. In addition, the problem has been compounded where dogs have defecated in flower beds and staff members have had their hands soiled during weeding and planting."Therefore, with effect from Tuesday, February 15 the Main Ring at Botanical Gardens will be closed to dogs."