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School's Science Fair is a huge effort

Budding scienist: Tory Bassett stands ready to explain his scientific inquiry to visitors to Somersfield Academy's 2009 science fair.

At the end of each year, and continuing on through January and the end of February, begins the largest Science project for students in M1 to M3.

The project includes choosing and researching a topic (approved by the Science teacher), completing a scientific-method-based write-up and two paragraphs on the project's relevance to the real world and a related Area of Interaction (AOI) category. The AOIs utilised in the school include Environment (related to all environments that surround us), Human Ingenuity (humans creating), Approaches to Learning (skills used when learning), Community and Service (helping and serving the community) and Health and Social Education.

Although the projects may be relevant to all of the AOI's, the students choose one or two of these and further develop their understanding of them and how they are related to the real world. The primary purpose of the Science Fair (apart from learning about their chosen topic) is for students to further develop their understanding of the scientific method and understand the world around them, how it affects them and why their project can positively influence the world.

When the students have finished researching and writing about their topic, they put it together on a poster board, and at the end of February present it to parents, friends and members of the public (this day is known as The Science Fair).

Also, members of the local science community are invited to come and judge the students' experiments. The top six out of each age group, based on the judges' markings, are presented with awards at the end of the day (this ceremony is also referred to as The Awards Ceremony).

Although these awards and rankings do not influence the grade given by the Science department, it is an honour to win one. Every year, the Science teachers, Mrs. Young and Mrs. Perry, put a huge effort into making the Science Fair better than it was the year before (which is becoming something of a challenge now), so much of the Science Fair's success can be accredited to them.