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Breaking News: Retail sales fall

Retail sales fell by two per cent in October, figures released this morning show.According to the Department of Statistics, total spending was $93 million — $2 million less than October last year.The last time Bermuda reported growth in the retail sales index was January this year, with a fractional increase of less than one per cent, according to the report.

Retail sales fell by two per cent in October, figures released this morning show.

According to the Department of Statistics, total spending was $93 million — $2 million less than October last year.

The last time Bermuda reported growth in the retail sales index was January this year, with a fractional increase of less than one per cent, according to the report.

It added: “The largest contributors to the decline in the index were the motor vehicle stores and building materials stores sectors.”

After adjusting for the annual retail sales rate of inflation, measured at 1.9 percent in October, the volume of retail sales fell by four percent.

* See the full story in tomorrow’s Royal Gazette business section.