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London and Chicago trips on offer, but only four students apply for 12 places

Off to work Commuters walk across London Bridge, backdropped by Tower Bridge, to the City of London.

The lure of an expenses-paid trip to London or Chicago plus an insight into the international insurance industry has attracted only four student applicants for the 12 places offered by a internship programme.

Now the Bermuda Foundation for Insurance Studies (BFIS) has extended the deadline for its Summer Intern Programme from the end of this week to March 6, as it tries to sign up more Bermudian college students.

BFIS executive director Catherine Lapsley said she was at a loss to understand why more Bermudians were not keen to take the chance of getting a foot in the door of the Island's most lucrative industry.

"So far I have four applications," Ms Lapsley said yesterday. "There are another two people who've told me their applications are coming.

"I've tried everything. We've spent a lot on advertising and making sure people know about it. I don't know what more we can do.

"It's a great opportunity. The kids who have done it have gained a huge insight into the industry and have really enjoyed it."

The positive experiences of those who have participated in the past led to BFIS deciding to double the places available to 12 for 2009.

The programme sends one group of four to London for two weeks to experience the insurance market there. Another group goes to Chicago for two weeks, while a third group studies the Bermuda insurance market for three weeks.

All travel and accommodation costs are paid for the interns travelling overseas and a stipend is added, if required.

"They get to meet insurance professionals at all levels, even up to the CEOs," Ms Lapsley added. "Where students are employed in summer jobs, we have found that their employers are most supportive of them taking part."

The programme is open to students who are in their junior or senior college year at the time of application.

Full details and examples of last year's itinerary are on the BFIS website at www.bfis.bm. Application forms can be completed on-line and e-mailed to BFIS.