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Nursing home seeks help to replace its old van

The Packwood Home needs a new van and are doing a raffle for it. Shown are Randy Scott, Lois Butterfield and Garen Bulford.

Packwood Home has launched a fund-raising campaign to buy a new van so its elderly residents can continue on their outings.

Trustees say the nursing home has been hit by the economic crisis and desperately needs funds to replace its ageing van as well as new beds and windows and other necessary upgrades.

The van is many residents' only opportunity to get out and about and is vital to their quality of life, according to home chairwoman Lady Jacqueline Swan.

Trustees are selling raffle tickets with prizes including weekend accommodation in hotels and $500 gift vouchers.

Lady Swan said in a letter to potential contributors: "Packwood Home is a registered charity that relies on donations and grants, to meet its capital expenses.

"The board of directors is planning its first major fund-raiser in several years and we are looking for the support of the business and local community to assist us in meeting our fund-raising goals.

"The Packwood Home is very much in need of funds to replace its ageing van, which for many residents represents the only opportunity for outings. We also require funds to replace windows, purchase new beds and to make other necessary upgrades to the facility.

"I know these are difficult economic times and, like most, the Packwood Home has also been affected.

"However, we at the Packwood Home are hopeful that the general public and businesses alike will assist the Packwood Home through donations and supporting our fund-raising effort."

Anyone who wants to buy a ticket, priced at $50, should call 337-4187 or e-mail packwoodhomeraffle@hotmail.com.