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Will Fey reprise her role as Sarah Palin?

NEW YORK (AP) — Never mind all those questions about who will win the election: The more pressing concern for many viewers is whether Tina Fey will return to play Gov. Sarah Palin on "Saturday Night Live".

The guest appearance by the show's former cast member and head writer was by all accounts a virtuoso impersonation and a viral hit.

But Fey stars in NBC's weekly prime-time comedy "30 Rock", and it's unclear if she'll be moonlighting on "SNL" to skewer the Republican vice presidential candidate, to whom she bears a much-remarked-upon resemblance.

Fey — and the will-she-or-won't-she suspense that preceded her appearance — helped make NBC's "Saturday Night Live" a ratings smash in its season kickoff. The 5½-minute segment pairing Fey with cast-member Amy Poehler (as Sen. Hillary Clinton) has also become a global Internet sensation.

Will Fey be back in the role?

"We are taking it day-by-day," said "SNL" spokesman Marc Liepis yesterday.

Could she be back as soon as this Saturday's show?

"We don't even have a script written yet," Liepis replied.

It was unlikely Fey would make an encore appearance on this week's "SNL", in as much as the New York-based show will air the night before Sunday's Emmy broadcast, live from Los Angeles.

With "30 Rock" having snagged several nominations, including Fey as best comic actress, she is expected to be on hand for those festivities.