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Saving our at-risk children

The future of any society, large or small, depends on instilling values like decency, honesty and respect in young minds.Here in Bermuda, in recent decades, too much emphasis has been placed on material success, while crumbling family values leave more dysfunctional children in their wake. In a world where competition in the business arena is fierce, a good education is essential to enable young people to meet requirements for a wide range of professions. This is why the quality of our education system must be constantly kept under the microscope.Even the quality of leadership should face similar scrutiny to determine whether Bermuda is going forward with positive transparent initiatives, or is sliding into the abyss of mistrust.A general election these days can quickly erupt into a nasty political slugging match between one group obsessed with clinging to power at any cost, while another seeks the opportunity to prove they can serve the people better. The political waters get quite muddy, when emotions and anger run high over who has the right formula for success.All too often, major concerns of the people are pushed to the back burner, in the scramble for the political high ground. As a popular television personality in the United States said recently: “It is time for the people to be more vocal in demanding better from their leaders.” The same could be said for Bermuda.Meanwhile there are children watching and listening, and wondering about their future. That brings us to why many of our children are at serious risk of falling through the cracks, only to later emerge as serious social problems. It is an area in need of greater attention.There are countless negative situations involving children that seldom reach the headlines. Behind closed doors, some are exposed to foul language, domestic violence, along with sexual abuse. Quite a number head off to school daily with empty lunch kits and a confused state of mind. Anyone who thinks this is not happening in our so called affluent society needs to look again.So acute is the problem that a group called, Feed the Children Ministries continues to seek additional funds to supply breakfast to schoolchildren in need. It is an ongoing effort. Even without statistics, one child starting school hungry is one child too many.After being provided with breakfast, most of these children need further support in coping with unthinkable situations after school. Many teachers are aware of students with challenges, but they can only do so much. In some cases students with serious issues outside of the classroom remain silent out of fear for their safety should they complain.Some children will weather the storm and possibly make it out of these disturbing conditions, but others will be vulnerable to the dark side of society where in the shadows, they could fall prey to illegal activities and maybe worse.There are various organisations such as Big Brothers and Big Sisters, who make a considerable contribution to reaching many young people who otherwise would be left on their own.The dismal economy, illegal drugs, violent crime, along with job losses is making life for many children a nightmare. It only takes one neglected twisted mind to wreak havoc once they go over the edge, as witnessed recently in the US, and indeed other parts of the world.The mind of every child is important in helping to build stronger communities, and no child should be going to school hungry, perhaps with a feeling that no one really cares. Bermuda will face a dismal future if we fail to address the plight of children caught up in unacceptable conditions on a daily basis. These children often later become ticking time bombs. With proper help and guidance during the crucial years, most of them could turn out to be model citizens.