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When resignations make sense

Holding public office along with the responsibility of performing in a manner that upholds integrity, transparency, and accountability is a tall order, and very often throughout the free world, officials fall short to the point where the only way out is to step down.This goes beyond expecting someone to be perfect. Politicians like everyone else are capable of making mistakes. However, what most people are unable to accept is when transparency and accountability are pushed aside, in the interest on political advantage. It happens in many jurisdictions but should never go unchallenged.Obviously no politician should resign on the basis of criticism alone. That would leave no one holding office. But when criticism and condemnation reach a point where the people lose trust and confidence, resignation should be considered.In most cases of serious allegations even on the international scene, politicians usually react with strong denials of having done anything wrong, and sometimes even blame the free press for stirring up trouble. It is common in many societies to attack the press when something is exposed that raises questions about integrity and fair play.Recently in Bermuda a Government Minister resigned after ferocious criticism erupted over a decision he made although he insisted he did nothing wrong. He explained that he choose to resign because the onslaught of condemnation from the public was hurting the Government.All governments in a free society face the challenge of deciding when an official should resign or should be made to resign if that official is found to be in violation of rules governing the system. It’s always a tough decision, but in many instances, survival of the Government itself should carry more weight than protecting one official. Sometimes a resignation can clear the air.The recent resignation of the President of Germany was an example of how a building storm of criticism with no signs of abating can leave an official with little choice but to step down. Perhaps a crucial mistake he made prior to stepping down involved reported attempts to have the press back off on details surrounding allegations regarding financial favours.It is always politically dangerous to engage in tactics aimed at stifling the free press. Yes, the press is not perfect, and they too fall short of proper ethnics as in the phone tapping scandal in the UK. However, good professional journalism remains the key to exposing wrongs around the world. Journalists put their lives on the line daily in efforts to get the whole story before the world.These brave men and women who put their profession ahead of their personal safety are the people who give honour to the proper role of the free press in exposing corruption and vicious suppression of human rights, especially in places where men, women and children are killed for opposing the authorities.Perhaps the most blatant example of this is the current carnage taking place in Syria where every single day innocent people are bring brutally killed for resisting a vicious regime. Without a free press, these killings would be a secret.We in Bermuda have a golden opportunity to learn from mistakes made in other parts of the world when it comes to operating in a clear and transparent manner. What concerns many Bermudians is that the opportunity maybe slipping away over political squabbling.Bermuda needs a fresh start with honesty, truth, and integrity at the top of the pole. How we go about achieving this will depend on whether we as a people are willing to place truth and integrity above political or racial divisiveness in trying to move ahead. The opportunity to move in the right direction is not going to be there forever. It is a choice Bermuda has to make, and it must be made soon.