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Shipping Briefs, 11 August 2010

Judge halts plans to ship Honolulu trash to Washington StateHONOLULU (AP) — A temporary restraining order has been issued to halt the inaugural shipment of trash from Honolulu to Washington state.The order was issued by US District Judge Edward Shea of Spokane, Washington.

Judge halts plans to ship Honolulu trash to Washington State

HONOLULU (AP) — A temporary restraining order has been issued to halt the inaugural shipment of trash from Honolulu to Washington state.

The order was issued by US District Judge Edward Shea of Spokane, Washington.

He questioned whether the US Department of Agriculture had adequately assessed the environmental impacts of the planned shipments.

Hawaiian Waste Systems LLC was to have begun shipping the trash last November. The latest start date was Friday.

The Yakama Nation and several environmental groups filed a lawsuit in federal court in Spokane to stop the shipments to a landfill in the eastern Washington town of Roosevelt. The lawsuit named the department, which approved plans for shipments of plastic-wrapped bales of waste.

Acciona May Sell Trasmediterranea Unit to 3i, Expansion Says

(Bloomberg) — Acciona SA, the Spanish wind power operator and builder, is talking to potential buyers for its Trasmediterranea shipping unit after boosting profit by cutting costs, Expansion reported.

Private equity investors including London-based 3i Group Plc may be interested in the company which operates in the Balearic and Canary Islands and the Straits of Gibraltar, the newspaper said, citing people familiar with Acciona's position without naming them.

Shipping Corp. of India to Add 14 Ships in Rest of FY11

(Bloomberg) — Shipping Corp. of India Ltd. plans to add 14 more ships to its fleet in the rest of the financial year ending March 31, it said in a statement in Mumbai.