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More than 300 containers delivered this week

More than 300 containers will be delivered to Bermuda this week, along with a shipment of oil.The <I>Oleander</I> arrived in port on Sunday, August 8, carrying 169 containers to the Island, 43 of which were refrigerated.Also onboard were three road trailers, three vehicles, and two boats on a cradle.

More than 300 containers will be delivered to Bermuda this week, along with a shipment of oil.

The Oleander arrived in port on Sunday, August 8, carrying 169 containers to the Island, 43 of which were refrigerated.

Also onboard were three road trailers, three vehicles, and two boats on a cradle.

The vessel left Bermuda yesterday at 9.30 a.m.

Oil tanker Bertina visited the Island yesterday, bringing a shipment of oil to Esso before leaving this morning.

The Somers Isles is expected to arrive in port this morning with 103 containers, including 5 that are refrigerated.

Tomorrow the Bermuda Islander is scheduled to arrive in Hamilton carrying 119 containers to be delivered to the Island.

Of the containers, 24 are refrigerated.