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Ten years on . . . Robinson makes Cup Match return

Sammy RobinsonPhoto by Tamell Simons

If Sammy Robinson's second coming in Cup Match is anything like the first, then cricket fans should brace themselves for another fireworks display.

It was exactly a decade ago when a then 22-year old Robinson set Somerset Cricket Club abuzz as a colt with an electrifying display of strokeplay on the way to registering a half-century (63) on his debut in the classic.

However, after claiming instant fame, Robinson's Cup Match fortunes took a turn for the worse as he was surprisingly omitted the very next year.

"I actually said I wouldn't try out anymore. I always knew I was good enough but for some reason I wasn't able to perform in the final trials to convince the selectors to select me," Robinson recalled.

"It feels really good to be back in the classic and I am hoping I can do my part to take the cup from St.George's."

All-rounder Robinson, one of two Warwick players in Somerset's team this year, reckons the challengers have assembled a team capable of dethroning champions St.George's.

"We have the talent to take the cup back, it's just a matter of taking our chances," he reasoned. "We have some good youngsters, so we should be very good in the field and make it hard for St.George's to score freely.

"It's a good team stacked with experienced players who are also aggressive. Everyone in the team can hold their own with the bat as well, so I don't see St.George's having an easy time bowling us out cheaply.

"We also have quite a few options in the spin (bowling) department with Del (Hollis), Hassan (Durham), Dion (Stovell), Chris (Douglas) and myself if needed. With the three seamers (Jordan DeSilva, Malachi Jones and Jacobi Robinson) we have the bowlers to keep St.George's on their toes."

In 1998 Robinson was selected more for his bowling prowess than anything else, he believes.

"I got five wickets in the final trial and they were big wickets," he recalled.

And like Douglas, who will appear as a colt in this year's classic, Cup Match rivals Somerset and St.George's also waged a behind-the-scenes war to secure the services of the then St.David's cricketer.

Robinson spoke very highly of team-mate Douglas who he also hopes to see excel on his Cup Match debut.

"I am really happy for Chris. He is a really talented player and has had a great year so far," he said.

Robinson and Douglas have destroyed many bowling attacks in the First Division this summer, batting at the top of their team's order.

"We have put on some big partnerships and I would say we are the best opening pair on the Island," added Robinson. "I hope Chris does well this year and stays in the team for a long time."

Asked to make a prediction on the outcome of this year's match, Robinson boldly replied: "Somerset win by 6 p.m. on Friday!"