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Denim-wearing students raise $2,300 for cancer centre

In one day, students at Saltus Grammar School raised more than $2,000 for equipment at the Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre.

On Friday the school held a Denim Day which raised the funds to help pay for the $1.5 million new digital screening equipment at the Centre.

Lower primary students raised $468.25, upper primary students raised $691.10 and the secondary department contributed $1,170 towards the effort.

Saltus Development Officer Cynthia Barnes, upper primary students Tyler Irby and Elizabeth Parsons and lower primary representatives Ella Kuchanny and Tyler Hurdle yesterday presented the $2,329.35 cheque to Pauline Girling, the Centre's marketing and PR director.

Ms Girling thanked the Saltus students for their help in raising money for the equipment for which the Centre is still trying to raise $200,000 or more from the community.

"Mammograms don't prevent breast cancer, but they can save lives by finding breast cancer as early as possible," she said.

"The funds raised by the Saltus students will go towards the final payment required for the digital mammography screening equipment purchased and installed at our centre in April.

"The students did a magnificent job of fundraising for our cause and we are extremely grateful for their awareness, involvement and commitment."