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9/11 victims honoured by their former school

Remembering former students who died in 9/11 attacks: Pictured front row, from left, is Saltus Upper Primary Head Boy Alexander Buxton-Carda, Upper Primary Head Girl Nicole Mullen and SGY2 Head Girl Kalaina Johnson. Back row, from left: SGY2 Head Boy Eoin McMahon, Saltus Headmaster Ted Staunton and Rev. Musa Daba representing St. Johnís Church, Pembroke.

Saltus students laid wreaths in memory of Boyd Gatton and Robert Higley who were killed in the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center nine years ago today.

Head boy Eoin McMahon and head girl Kalaina Johnson placed two wreaths at the foot of a commemorative palm tree outside the secondary department library, with classmates of the victims in attendance.

Principal Ted Staunton said: "On the morning of September 11, 2001, Robert and Boyd were peacefully going about their business in New York City when, without warning, two hijacked passenger jets crashed into the buildings. After burning for about an hour, the buildings collapsed, resulting in 2,752 innocent civilians losing their lives.

"For the school, there will always be the historical and cultural significance of this day and I am sure that generations of students here will reflect on the events for many years to come. There is also a personal dimension for our school for we lost two former students on that dreadful day nine years ago.

"We place the wreaths at the base of the memorial palm tree today as a small symbol of the School's continuing desire to keep Robert and Boyd's memory alive and to remember them as part of the Saltus Grammar School family.

"We never know when our time will be up, so it's important to live each day fully; as if it is our last, and live our lives with integrity and to bring happiness into our world and into the world of others."

Mr. Gatton, a 38-year-old operations manager, was working on the 97th floor of the World Trade Center when it was attacked.

Mr. Higley, 29, an Aon Risk Management Services employee, was on the 92nd floor of the South Tower.