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Butterfield slumps 10.4% on BSX

Shares of Butterfield Bank dived 10.4 per cent on the Bermuda Stock Exchange yesterday.

The bank fell $2.80 as 625 shares changed hands to close on $24.

The fall went some way to catching up with the 15.5 per cent drop suffered by Butterfield’s US-listed shares on Monday in New York. Yesterday, those shares rebounded, gaining 34 cents, or 1.57 per cent, to close on $22.06 on the New York Stock Exchange.

Ascendant Group Ltd also slipped, falling five cents, or 0.2 per cent, to close on $30.25 as 300 shares changed hands.

Argus Group Holdings Ltd was the only stock to gain ground, adding one cent, or 0.4 per cent, to close the day on $2.63 on the trading of 200 shares.

Telecoms group One Communications Ltd remained unchanged on $3.79 as 3,029 shares were traded.

The Royal Gazette/BSX Index fell 126.21 points, or 6.65 per cent, to close on 1,771.3. Trading volume totalled 4,154 shares, while turnover was $35,959.75.

The BSX Insurance Index rebounded from yesterday’s slump amid a Wall Street bounce. The index climbed 33.5 points, or 2.2 per cent, to close on 1,556.02.