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Commercial teams upset over BFA plan

"The Commercial A sides showed recently in the third round of the FA Cup that we are easily as good, if not better, than a number of the First Division sides, and can give a stern test to the Premiership sides.

"MR onions, Tuff Dogs and Robin Hood all beat First Division teams, in some instances quite comfortably.

"That shows the number of players that the BFA will have without a club next year and who could genuinely play in the First Division. By keeping the number of First Division teams at only nine, there's just not going to be nearly enough room for everyone. I just don't see how this new structure promotes football for the majority of players on the Island."

Although the majority of recommendations have yet to be voted on by the clubs, the confirmed expansion of the Premier Division would seem to suggest that it is only a matter of time before the other changes are officially ratified.

In a plan sent out to clubs at the beginning of the week, Derek Broadley outlined his argument for the need for change insisting that the 'current situation was not working for all'. In a direct reference to the Commercial League, Broadley argues that 'players are not playing in leagues conducive to the development of the game, and are not playing in leagues suitable for their ability'.

"I understand that it hasn't been voted on yet so its not a done deal," said MR Onions striker Eoghan O'Dwyer. "It would be a terrible shame to get rid of the Commercial League as it would see a lot of guys who enjoy the competitive edge of the league unable to play football.

"We are not pro's and do it because it is a chance to play at a half decent level, and then head off to the pub for a pint and a discussion or argument about what just happened."