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Why education has to be put before sport

Happy New Year to all of my readers!Over the holiday I was given a reminder of how many stellar student athletes this country is producing. Because of the time of year, the footballers stand out, both male and female.The fact that they are in college or university proves that in their formative years an emphasis was placed on school work, and how important it is to get an education. Managing their studies along with the demands of being an athlete is something that has to be learned early in life, so that one doesn't jeopardise the other.

Happy New Year to all of my readers!

Over the holiday I was given a reminder of how many stellar student athletes this country is producing. Because of the time of year, the footballers stand out, both male and female.

The fact that they are in college or university proves that in their formative years an emphasis was placed on school work, and how important it is to get an education. Managing their studies along with the demands of being an athlete is something that has to be learned early in life, so that one doesn't jeopardise the other.

It was merely a month ago when Whitney played in the Middle School finals against Saltus. After the game, one of the school officials came and approached me about one of my players. Not only did he want to know who he was, but his main question was, "How were his grades?"

I can recall several, actually many years ago when I was ready to go off to college, I was naïve in thinking that I would automatically get a scholarship. The ability was there, but the grades were not.

As a result I had to take the SAT and obtain a certain score in order to secure my scholarship. What pressure! But had I not just done enough to get by, then that pressure would have been eliminated out of the equation. Right there and then I wished I had always done my best in school. Fortunately, for me I sat the test and was able to secure a half scholarship which financially helped my parents tremendously.

It is important that we stress the importance of education to our student athletes because even when they do get accepted into college they will be required to maintain a certain grade point average in their classes, which will allow them to play for their respective school.

Far too many of our young kids have vivid imaginations and feel they will be good enough to play professional football, therefore not taking school/education too serious. The reality is that maybe one out of 100 will get that opportunity to play professionally.

However, what they can do is use college as a tool to get trials and put themselves on the map for scouts to see, and who knows what options may open for them. Take a look at young Tyrell Burgess of North Village who is currently out in college and has played so impressively that he is now being scouted by various Division One teams.

The truth has to be told though. They must know that even if they are aspiring to be a professional they must have something to fall back on. At the very least they must graduate from high school because the reality is, in some cases, even that is a challenge.

As a sportsman I know that all it takes is for one wrong twist causing a bad situation and there goes your whole career. It is our job to show or inform our kids of all that they may face, the good and the bad, so that they are best prepared to tackle their futures.

One only has to look around Bermuda to see how some of our former sportsmen have managed to make sports and education work for them to secure their futures – sportsmen like Randy Horton (former Education Minister), Lou Simmons (dynamic speaker), Arnold Manders (Director of Cricket) just to name a few.

I know various clubs around Bermuda would love to have their college kids full time playing for them but I encourage clubs to support their students and push them towards education. Help them in any way possible. As they are home with us now for the Christmas break, Bermuda has been treated to some quality football which is great to see.

I want to encourage our young men and women who are going back off to college to stay focused on what you are in school for. Do not forget that you are a student athlete. I emphasise student/athlete, the student comes first.

While abroad also remember that every positive thing and negative thing that occurs while you are there not only has a reflection on you, but also your family and Bermuda. So go and represent Bermuda proud and make the most out of your opportunity.

I leave you with this message: "In life people can take several things away from you but once you have your education, no one can ever take that from you."