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Key developments in the voyage of the freighter Arctic Sea

Key developments in the voyage of the freighter Arctic Sea.July 21 — Arctic Sea departs from Finnish port carrying timber bound for Algeria, with a 15-man Russian crew.July 24 — Crew reportedly attacked in Baltic Sea by about a dozen masked men, who allegedly tied up the crew members, beat them and questioned them about drugs before leaving 12 hours later.

Key developments in the voyage of the freighter Arctic Sea.

July 21 — Arctic Sea departs from Finnish port carrying timber bound for Algeria, with a 15-man Russian crew.

July 24 — Crew reportedly attacked in Baltic Sea by about a dozen masked men, who allegedly tied up the crew members, beat them and questioned them about drugs before leaving 12 hours later.

July 28 — Arctic Sea makes last known radio contact after passing through shipping lanes between Britain and France into the Atlantic.

July 29 — Signals from the Arctic Sea's automated identification system reportedly are picked up along the coasts of Portugal and France.

July 31 — Swedish authorities receive a telephone call from someone identifying himself as captain of the ship. Officials say the call was cut off but was not alarming.

Aug. 4 — Arctic Sea fails to arrive as scheduled in the Algerian port of Bejaia with its euro1.3 million ($1.8 million) cargo of timber.

Aug. 12 — Russian President Dmitry Medvedev orders Russian military to take "all necessary measures" to search for the Arctic Sea.

Aug. 14 — French Defense Ministry gives first report that ship resembling the Arctic Sea has been located north of Cape Verde off the West African coast.

Aug. 17 — Russia confirms its navy has found the ship near Cape Verde, says the crew is safe and healthy.

Aug. 18 — Russia confirms the ship had been hijacked and eight hijackers have been arrested. A Russian insurance company says the hijackers demanded a $1.5 million ransom.

Aug. 20 — Russia flies the hijackers and crew from Cape Verde to Moscow for questioning. The Kremlin says the ship will sail to the Black Sea port of Novorossisk for further examination.