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East End Mini-bus service is up and running – PTB boss

Despite complaints to the contrary, Government says the East End Mini-bus service is up and running.

In a letter sent to The Royal Gazette last week, a St. David's resident said the mini-buses have only been seen twice, once while they were being tested, and then at the end of June and beginning of July.

But Public Transport Director Dan Simmons yesterday said the mini-buses are in service but are used primarily during peak periods.

"We run the regular buses throughout the day, and we use (the mini-buses) in addition, when we expect a higher demand," said Mr. Simmons.

Premier and Minister of Transport Dr. Ewart Brown announced the service's launch in December, with the maiden trip occurring in March. Two months after that voyage, the service was criticised by St. George's South MP Donte Hunt.

"The service may have been started, but it is our understanding that the new buses have not held to their daytime, hour-on-the-hour schedule," Mr. Hunt said in May.

"Residents have reported the buses, when they are seen, are few and far between."

Despite setbacks in the past, Mr. Simmons insists that the mini-buses are active. "It is in service, supplementing the regular buses," he said.