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For countless generations, black Bermudians were disenfranchised. Although they contributed to the wealth and success of Bermuda in every way possible, this segment of society had no say in how the country was governed. They were second class citizens. It was wrong but it was put right as we as a people became more enlightened.

Wrong then, wrong now

July 12, 2009

Dear Sir,

For countless generations, black Bermudians were disenfranchised. Although they contributed to the wealth and success of Bermuda in every way possible, this segment of society had no say in how the country was governed. They were second class citizens. It was wrong but it was put right as we as a people became more enlightened.

It is extremely sad, therefore, that with the knowledge of that inequality, it was a black Government that recreated a class of citizens, no doubt white in the majority, who contribute to the wealth and success of Bermuda yet have no say in how it is governed. It was wrong in ages past, it is wrong now and the arguments put forward for creating this new second class of citizen do not hold water when examined without prejudice. I defy anyone with a shred of humanity to support the creation of second class citizens.

It may not be a vote winner, but permanent resident status should be abolished and those who have shown a 20-year commitment to Bermuda should be welcomed as full Bermudians, or does this Government still work on the principle that it is pay-back time and it will do whatever is needed to cling onto power by eliminating possible opposition?

