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BBC shameAugust 18, 2008Dear Sir,

BBC shame

August 18, 2008

Dear Sir,

I am typing this e-mail as I sit and watch yet another blank ZBM TV 9 screen during the prime time Olympic coverage time slot (it's 9.20 p.m.).

Tonight's sad and pathetic coverage started at 9.04 p.m. and cut in mid way through a track event (I think it was the quarter-finals for Men's 200m sprint). We tune in for about five minutes and then endure another 90 second ZBM screen and then another amateur cut over to the ladies trampoline medal event on what looks like CBC coverage. We saw two athletes compete and at the start of the third competitor ZBM cuts away again for about two minutes and switches to NBC coverage of ladies hurdles semi-finals.

What is going on over at BBC? Do they have any idea how angry and frustrated they are making all of us who have to sit and endure this endless poor quality, disorganised Olympic broadcast coverage?

We are missing so much of the world athletic competition and unfortunately trying to pick up what we miss every night on NBC Olympics online video feed isn't available outside of the States so we can't even watch the replay the following day. We are missing pivotal and emotional moments in Olympic competition.

I for one am tired of watching the endless women's beach volleyball elimination rounds. I couldn't care less what Michael Phelps eats for breakfast and how SAD for Jill Terceira who rode her heart out on behalf of Bermuda equestrians and we all missed it because her event was being broadcast on Oxygen which was blocked by Cablevision! That is a disgrace and the BBC should be ashamed of themselves.

This past Saturday morning's coverage was not much better cutting between NBC, CBC and the Caribbean network who showed continuous replays of the same events that were on CBC the hour(s) before. Once we've seen the event constant replays on other networks is simply pointless.

Whatever this argument is between BBC and CableVision the people of Bermuda who pay for clear and quality TV coverage should not be stuck in the middle while these two companies argue over license fees.

The Olympics come along once every four years and because there are so many televised events on six channels ZBM can't possibly broadcast enough of it on their one poor quality broadcast channel (for those like me with HD TV you may as well be watching YouTube videos) and satisfy those of us who live to see global sports competition. By the time these two sort out their differences we will be watching the closing ceremony!

In 2010 I intend on being somewhere other than Bermuda for the duration of the Olympic Games so I'm not disappointed again by this disgraceful and censored television coverage. If it's an issue now, it will likely be an issue for the broadcast rights of the Vancouver Winter Olympic games and I for one don't wish to be frozen out (again) by the Bermuda Broadcasting Corporation.



Dog eat dog

August 19, 2008

Dear Sir:

It's a dog eat dog world out there. Stanley certainly believes this motto. My four-year-old cockapoo has been attacked three times in the last year while living in Bermuda.

The first attack occurred by two unleashed, wild, junk yard dogs while I was shopping at a local paint store. Stanley, on leash, came with me and without warning we were both in danger. With numerous tradesmen around and quick reaction, my dog was hoisted onto a car roof and spared unthinkable injury.

The second attack, extremely serious and life-threatening, happened on our street. Our neighbour's unleashed dog bounded out of its yard with the purpose of attack.

For three months, Stanley and I made the daily trek to the veterinarian's clinic to have his wounds dressed. On Monday, while walking in an upscale, gated community, Stanley, who is always on leash, was yet again attacked by another angry dog this time sustaining a puncture wound to his backside. Off to our vets for wound cleaning, shaving and stapling. Although Stanley appeared to be physically stable, thirty-six hours later, he still remains under the bed frightened and uncertain who to trust. I have to say that I share his pain.

Dog owners need to take complete responsibility for their dogs regardless of breed. Local leash laws require dogs to be on leash unless confined to their owner's house or fenced yard. These laws need to be enforced.

I love to see my dog run free and be playful and yet this seems nearly impossible for us. As dog owners, most of us love and care for our animals and yet some of us forget about the well-being of our neighbours.

Negligence and irresponsibility on the part of pet owners is unacceptable.

Dog owners – Leash Up !

Sandra Curtis

Hamilton Parish