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Letters to the Editor

A card of thanksMay 30, 2010Dear Sir,

A card of thanks

May 30, 2010

Dear Sir,

We would like to share an open letter to Donna Viney, Kathy Fox, Ann Smith Gordon and all at PALS with your readers. Thank you all so much for the care, concern and friendship which our husband, father and brother Eric Amos received from PALS in the past four and a half years.

PALS nurse Donna Viney has become a dear friend. Eric relied upon her, trusted her and felt free to discuss his innermost concerns with her. She is a wonderful person. PALS provide amazing support for cancer patients and their families. We hope that you will receive donations, in Eric's memory, from his friends and family to help in your work at www.pals.bm. Many heartfelt thanks,


(Wife, daughter and sister of Eric Amos).

Kudos to Beau Rivage

May 31, 2010

Dear Sir,

May we share with you and the reading public a wonderful dining experience. On Saturday, along with friends, we went to the Newstead's Beau Rivage Restaurant. From the time we arrived to when we departed, we were treated to first class service and delicious, sumptuous food. The fish chowder, salads and fresh wahoo were so tasty. The Beef Wellington and Salmon were cooked to perfection. The food presentation was creative and artistic. Whilst we enjoyed our meal, we were blessed with a beautiful sunset and stunning views of the harbour. Congratulations to the management and staff for a job well done and for helping to make our night a most memorable one.



Agrees with letter writer

June 1, 2010

Dear Sir,

I concur with Jennifer Caines' letter posted in The Royal Gazette on May 28. She made some extremely relevant points in her letter it should have been published on the front page so all can see/read (especially her last paragraph).

I quote: "It has been proven time and time again that the affluence is normally accompanied by moral decadence. Leadership positions should not be viewed as an opportunity to make money in order to gain power either. Leaders seeking recognition, power, money, materialism or relationships will eventually seal their own fate. One must not look at the position of leader as something prestigious or constantly deserved of the spotlight; so whoever seeks to occupy the position of Premier of Bermuda should be prepared and willing to humbly serve the people."


St. George's

Why pay insurance?

June 1, 2010

Dear Sir,

I am in total agreement with the letter to the Editor on May 26 entitled "I can't afford it". Why does the patient have to pay twice? What the heck do we have insurance for? I pay insurance so that I can afford to go to the doctor's office, only to foot the entire amount! And if "insured" checks they will also find that BF&M (major medical) no longer fully covers dentists visits biannually. These insurance companies need to be regulated, they seem to be able to change their coverage whenever they want, but believe me your premium are still going to rise. I was sent to Boston with Menieres Disease. Menieres Disease is a disease that one loses all sense of balance for many hours, I also would get violently ill. BF&M did not cover for a companion to travel with me and I certainly could not travel alone. It is hard to swallow when you've been paying into this insurance for many years. I'm afraid to get old!

