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Smith on verge of move to Red Bulls

Khano Smith's Seattle Sounders future is shrouded in incertainty after the Bermuda international was left out of the 22-man squad that beat LA Galaxy in an exhibition game.

Smith's omission fuels speculation that Sounders could trade the 28-year-old before playing a Major League Soccer (MLS) match for them.

The Seattle Times reported yesterday: "Midfielder Khano Smith was not with the team Monday. Coach Sigi Schmid said the team is 'working on some things right now that involve a couple of players,' fueling rumours that Smith is on the trading block."

Last week Smith moved to dampen the growing speculation of his potential exit from Qwest Field, dismissing the rumours as "absolute garbage".

He told The Royal Gazette: "People can write what they want. We all know there's a lot of rubbish written these days, and this is absolute garbage.

"I'm just keeping my head down and I'm here until I hear otherwise. I certainly haven't heard anything about me leaving and I'm pleased with the way things have been going."

Sounders beat LA Galazy 3-1 in their exhibition game with goals from Fredy Montero, Roger Levesque and Sanna Nyassi.

Smith signed for Sounders from New England Revolution in the MLS SuperDraft in November.