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'His presence in my life has filled the emptiness that once throbbed in my heart'

Often times we take for granted the experience shared in having a complete family.In 2006, according to the United States Census report, there were 12.9 million single parent households. Of that 12.9 million, women headed 10.4 million of them.Although women are strong individuals, the presence of a man provides a sense of security and sets the standard of living for that household. There is a level of awareness that is established in the child that teaches him or her essential principles of personal discipline. I know what it means to live in a single parent household as well as how it feels in the security of a complete family. I am very thankful that I have been able to experience these two different worlds.

Often times we take for granted the experience shared in having a complete family.

In 2006, according to the United States Census report, there were 12.9 million single parent households. Of that 12.9 million, women headed 10.4 million of them.

Although women are strong individuals, the presence of a man provides a sense of security and sets the standard of living for that household. There is a level of awareness that is established in the child that teaches him or her essential principles of personal discipline. I know what it means to live in a single parent household as well as how it feels in the security of a complete family. I am very thankful that I have been able to experience these two different worlds.

Being solely with my mother for most of my life taught me many things that being with a father could not, however, the elements of becoming a young man had not yet been embedded.

The feeling of emptiness lingered around in my heart because something was missing. As a young boy I could not understand why I was not able to see my "Dad" as often as I would have liked; and the thought of whether my parents would ever get married also crossed my mind.

The answer to that question was obvious due to the fact that there was a definite lack of communication between us.

His absence motivated me to strive for greatness in hopes that my achievements would make him want to be a part of my life. I would soon discover that was not so.

In fact, he slipped further away in spite of my great accomplishments. The absence of the male figure in the household sometimes compels sons or daughters to engage in negative activities such as: sex, drugs or violence, hoping that these actions will simulate the love, comfort, and security they were not receiving from their dads. I am thankful that I have not fallen into this category.

A new start began in November of 2006 when I finally realised the power and true meaning of family. The past three years have changed my life forever! This new world has gifted me with two loving and caring parents. Now that I have a dad who is accessible, I am able to learn the basic principles of becoming a young man.

He has taught me valuable life skills, responsibility, and chivalry. His presence in my life has filled the emptiness that once throbbed in my heart. I am thankful for the genuine love he demonstrates in the way that he treats my mom and me on a regular basis. The respect he shows our family and others encourages me that I can and will excel in whatever I choose to do in life.

The world expects us to fail when faced with the difficulties of life. Through my experience in both of these worlds, I can confidently say that the world is wrong.