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Tips to avoid injury when starting to exercise

Certified Lifestyle and Weight Loss Coach and Fitness Trainer Elinor Lucas shares her insight on avoiding the injuries that can cause painful setbacks to your fitness routine.

Mentally prepare yourself to approach your fitness goals in stages.

Get a good pair of shoes — old sneakers can increase the likelihood of muscle strain and knee problems.

Start slowly and increase slowly keeping in mind duration, intensity and frequency to enhance fitness and achieve your goals.

Don't go on a carbohydrate free diet. You need sugar and carbohydrates as a source of fuel and energy. Before exercising in the morning eat a banana or a cereal bar for an added boost.

Rest adequately to avoid injury and don't compare yourself to other people.

Spend a minimum of ten minutes warming up to prepare the muscles for exercise. The less fit you are the longer you need to prepare.

Stay hydrated. In Bermuda's humid climate drinking during exercise is a must. A rule is to always bring water with you when exercising. Water can help the body guard against painful side stitches and discomfort. I find drinking helps but the jury is still out on whether or not this is 100 percent accurate.