Brilliance in focus at IAAP meeting
Everything from emotional commitment self check-ups to getting into zones of brilliance were covered at an interactive and exciting conference held for administrators across Bermuda.
The IAAP's (International Association of Administrative Professionals) Annual Administrative Day, entitled 'Brilliance in Action', was hosted by Simon T Bailey, founder of The Brilliance Institute Inc. at the Fairmont Hamilton Princess hotel last week and attracted 117 administrative assistants from the Island.
The morning session started with Mr. Bailey talking about professional brilliance, looking specifically at areas of administrative brilliance, how to tap into and understand it.
Attendees were given various formulas to evaluate themselves thoughout the day, ranging from an emotional commitment self check-up and developing a brilliant career plan to understanding where they are in the zone of brilliance. The group also enjoyed deep and exciting discussions on employer and employee relations, leadership styles, opportunities and possibilities, and how to harmonise while improving their working environment.
The afternoon session on personal brilliance included critical components of mastering personal accountability, action steps to brilliance in the area of spiritual, family, career, emotional, mental wellness, social and financial.