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Free health screenings on offer at KEMH

Bermuda Heart Foundation Executive Director, Simone Barton is pictured with the Minister of Health, Hon. Walter H. Roban and Mrs. Shirlene Bascome, wife of late Nelson Bascome MP and former Health Minister, to promote heart healthy activities and programmes to raise awareness of heart disease in Bermuda. The Bermuda Heart Foundation (BHF) has planned a number of free health screenings, prevention seminars, cooking demonstrations, family and student programmes to get Islanders up and moving during the month of February. Mrs. Bascome, BHF volunteer and advocate, is encouraging Bermudians to take care of their hearts and share information with their family.

February is Healthy Heart Month and to mark the occasion nurses from King Edward Memorial Hospital will offer free health screenings in the hospital's lobby.

"Knowing your risk for heart disease can give an early warning, giving you time reduce the likelihood of a cardiac incident," comments Myrian Balitian-Dill, Cardiac Care Nurse at KEMH. "Our nurses cannot only test you, but provide professional health care advice as to what your numbers mean.

"We invite the public to stop by and learn more about their risk of heart disease. Understanding these vital statistics might save your life."

The tests will take place on February 10 and 24 between 11 and 2 p.m. in the main lobby. Professional nurses from the hospital's various units will measure a number of health indicators including blood pressure, waist circumference, blood sugar and body mass index.

Lowering blood pressure, weight and cholesterol, quitting bad habits like smoking, eating healthy and staying active can greatly reduce a person's likelihood of suffering from heart disease or other cardiac problems.

Additionally KEMH is urging anyone recovering from heart disease or anyone returning from a heart procedure overseas to attend their regular Cardiac Education Classes. Anyone interested in attending should call 239-1219.