House: battle to end banana crisis
A solution to Bermuda’s banana crisis is in the works, home affairs minister Walter Roban said today.
Mr Roban told the House of Assembly an “alarmingly high” contamination from mealy bugs and scale insects has affected the island’s supply of the fruit since November.
The minister stressed that the island remains free from invasive pests that could “wreak havoc” if introduced.
But he said shipments continue to arrive infested, and that inspection techniques are being reviewed with the objective of resuming imports as soon as possible.
Mr Roban said proposed solutions include:
• reviewing current inspection techniques with overseas counterparts to ensure that only clean shipments arrive in Bermuda;
• developing a system to source clean produce directly from banana growers;
• developing a system of treatment off island for all imported bananas;
• developing a system on-island to treat incoming shipments through the use of consumer-safe products and treatment techniques that effectively control pest infestations without damaging the produce.
Mr Roban said: “DENR has made it a priority to help facilitate Bermuda’s importers and grocery stores to bring in clean sources of bananas, as fast as possible, so as to minimise further shortages for the public.”
• To read Walter Roban’s ministerial statement in full, click on the PDF under “Related Media”