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10 ways to help you get fit

1. Take the stairs whenever possible.2. Find a walking or jogging buddy, and take a walk or run during the day.3. When you start a fitness regime keep a log of how well you are doing. Seeing your statistics improve may act as encouragement to stay with it.

1. Take the stairs whenever possible.

2. Find a walking or jogging buddy, and take a walk or run during the day.

3. When you start a fitness regime keep a log of how well you are doing. Seeing your statistics improve may act as encouragement to stay with it.

4. Buy a pedal bike and pedal to the store instead of wasting gas on a 10-minute trip.

5. Take up a new gym class or training programme, such as the Argus 400 Challenge or any similar programmes offered in the community.

6. Simplify your life. Deal with the things that are causing you stress because stress has an effect on your blood pressure and heart rate and can lead to illness.

7. Get at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night.

Research now indicates that people who don't get enough sleep are more vulnerable to illness.

8. Improve your attitude. Tell yourself you can get fit, you can lose weight and, you can jog instead of walk.

9. Encourage the whole family to eat well and get fit.

10. Try de-wiring once or twice a week. Turn off the television and the computer, and try to do something more active.

According to one fat burning calculator, you actually burn more calories sleeping than watching television.