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Ferry bosses apologise for short notice of schedule change

Marine and Ports Services has issued an apology to commuters for giving them short notice of a new ferry schedule coming into effect on Monday, April 13.

Cavello Bay will become the first stop in the morning on the Blue route to Hamilton, and the last stop in the afternoon leaving Hamilton.

Currently Watford Bridge is the first stop in the morning and last in the afternoon, but Government announced it would reverse the service to ease congestion in the Cavello Bay neighbourhood.

Passengers have complained about the inconvenience and the lack of awareness about the move, but Marine and Ports released what it described as "an apology to commuters and area residents for the lack of notice regarding the pending change in the new ferry schedule to take effect on Monday, April 13, 2009".

Director of Marine and Ports Francis Richardson said: "The changes were necessary in the interest of public safety, which is of paramount importance to the Department of Marine and Ports Services and the Ministry of Tourism and Transport."

The press release states more passengers use the last stop in the morning, and first in the afternoon, leading to extra congestion on roads near the terminals. It says Watford Bridge is better equipped than Cavello Bay to handle that congestion.

The Ministry of Tourism and Transport says the reversal fulfils a promise made to Cavello Bay residents who complained about congestion in a series of meetings five or six years ago.

Passengers speaking to The Royal Gazette said they were unhappy at the planned change, with one complaining at the lack of consultation and another saying he had heard about it only through word-of-mouth.

One person said: "It's ludicrous. We have been getting this for 14 years and all of a sudden they change it."

Another said many people would now start driving to town instead of getting the ferry, while schoolchildren will have to get up even earlier than normal.