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I wish to thank the ferry drivers.It has been years now that I have been hoping the fast ferries would slow down in the harbour. Every time I wanted to get on my boat I had to look, check and listen for the next coming ferry or risk my life, and damage to my boat, trying to get on or off my boat from the wake they produce.

Thanks, ferry drivers

September 25, 2009

Dear Sir,

I wish to thank the ferry drivers.

It has been years now that I have been hoping the fast ferries would slow down in the harbour. Every time I wanted to get on my boat I had to look, check and listen for the next coming ferry or risk my life, and damage to my boat, trying to get on or off my boat from the wake they produce.

In the last month or so you drivers have slowed down for some reason and made my life so much easier, thank you.

I wish to make a suggestion to the marine authorities. Perhaps it would be a good idea now to have all boats do no more then ten knots in the harbour after dark. From Two Rock, Head of the Lane, Timlins Narrows and Belmont channels.

I live on the harbour and every night, boats go by without lights on. I find it amazing that we have not had more accidents. Why is everyone going so fast? If you do ten knots in the harbour, you can get anywhere in a very short time.

Please people make sure that your lights are working well when you go out on your boats at night.

