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Gun clip visitor flies home after 10 days in jail

An American tourist jailed for ten days for bringing a gun clip into Bermuda has been released from prison, her lawyer said.

Lori Du-Bell left the Co-ed facility in Ferry Reach and headed for L.F. Wade International Airport on Wednesday, anxious to get safely home to Florida, according to her attorney Elizabeth Christopher.

Du-Bell, 61, of 94th Avenue, Naples, pleaded guilty on September 14 to importing the 9mm magazine on a JetBlue flight from Boston. The realtor claimed she forgot the clip, which contained bullets for her automatic Glock pistol, was in her bag.

After dumping the bullets on the plane, she was searched on arrival at L.F. Wade International Airport and the magazine was discovered. Sentencing her, Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner described her story as "nonsense".