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Top ten ways to prevent diabetes

The Bermuda Diabetes Association website has a list of 50 ways to prevent diabetes.Here are the top ten:• Put less on your plate.

The Bermuda Diabetes Association website has a list of 50 ways to prevent diabetes.

Here are the top ten:

• Put less on your plate.

l Keep meat, poultry and fish portions to about three ounces (about the size of a deck of cards).

l Try not to snack while cooking or cleaning the kitchen.

l Try to eat meals and snacks at regular times every day.

l Make sure you eat breakfast every day.

l Use broth and cured meats (smoked turkey and turkey bacon) in small amounts. They are high in sodium.

l Share a single dessert.

l When eating out, have a big vegetable salad, then split an entree with a friend or have the other half wrapped to go.

l Stir fry, boil, or bake with non-stick spray or low-sodium broth and cook with less oil and butter.

l Drink a glass of water ten minutes before your meal to take the edge off your hunger.

For more information visit www.diabetes.org, telephone 236-3668 or e-mail bda@northrock.bm.