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'We asked Andre Curtis what he was arrested for and he blamed you guys – The Royal Gazette'

Bermudian businessman Andre Curtis told a tribunal he's been cleared of everything he's accused of in Bermuda, according to leading Montana attorney Roberta Cross Guns.

The Premier's former political campaign manager currently facing allegations in two separate court cases on the Island is said to have made the comment on Monday at a hearing over a third matter, an alleged Ponzi scheme in Montana.

Ms Cross Guns said Curtis took part in the Montana sitting by telephone, and that he was quizzed over accusations surrounding him at home.

"He did try to tell us he's been cleared of everything in Bermuda," she told The Royal Gazette yesterday.

"We asked what he was arrested for and he blamed you guys [The Royal Gazette]."

On August 6, Curtis, 48, is due in Magistrates' Court accused of stealing public funds and falsifying expenditure from Government's faith-based tourism initiative.

He is alleged to have taken nearly $100,000 of Government money in 2007/08 and to have dishonestly falsified account expenditure from the faith-based budget.

He is further accused of stealing about $228,000 from Andrew Smith, relating to a construction company he once operated.

In addition, he is awaiting trial on charges that he carried on an investment business, Harvest Investment Holdings, without a licence and provided misleading statements. He denies those charges.

Monday's hearing surrounded the multimillion dollar international scam Curtis is said to have jointly run with convicted money launderer and fraudster Daniel Two Feathers and a number of other businessmen in 2008.

Harvest is said to have profited while victims, having been falsely promised extraordinary returns on their investment, were left out of pocket.

Ms Cross Guns said Montana State Auditor's Office and Curtis both had the chance to put their case to an administrative hearing officer. She said Curtis was asked about his role at Harvest Investment Holdings and he replied: "I'm a money manager."

Pressed on what that means, he would only say: "I manage money."

"He was pretty vague about that," said Ms Cross Guns, who said Curtis also claimed not to know who the trustees behind Harvest are. He probably doesn't know who he's working for. Or he doesn't want to say who they are," she said.

The auditor has now submitted 15 documents to the hearing examiner; Curtis is invited to make submissions in his defence. The examiner will then rule whether Curtis has violated Montana Securities Act, with potential fines for each violation and the prospect of being made to pay back any victims.

Summary judgment orders have now been secured against Two Feathers and another accused, Shawn Swor, meaning Curtis is the only person left facing unanswered charges.

Curtis was the Progressive Labour Party's branch chairman for Warwick South Central until late 2008, helping Premier Ewart Brown retain his local seat at the 2007 General Election.