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Men's Treatment Facility staffer named Substance Abuse counsellor for 2009

Clayton Scott and Minister Butterfield

Clayton Scott, of the Men's Treatment Facility, has been selected as the 2009 Substance Abuse Counsellor of the Year.

Mr. Scott received his award yesterday from Minister of Culture and Social Rehabilitation, Neletha Butterfield, who in praising him for his professionalism and dedication, said: "Mr. Scott is a diehard advocate for his clients and for his staff."

The award from the Bermuda Addiction Board (BACB) is in keeping with the public awareness campaign of the U.S. Annual National Alcohol and Drug Recovery Month, designed to promote the societal benefits of treating alcohol and drug use disorders.

Mr. Scott has been working with male treatment in Bermuda for about six years and has managed the Men's Treatment programme since 2007.

The Men's Treatment Centre is a 120-day modified Therapeutic Community (TC) Residential Relapse Prevention programme.