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Preserve all open spaces

February 3, 2011Dear Sir,I was delighted to read your piece in Wednesdays (February 2) paper regarding “World Wetlands Day”, and how proud we should be to have them — I fully agree. You went on to point out the need and the importance they serve – right on, thanks for the reminder! However, it seems a real travesty that another of our very important “Wetlands” seems to be totally ignored and destroyed. I am speaking of Devonshire Marsh. Has anyone taken a good look at what is happening down there now? I mean the silence is deafening about the destruction that is taking place now. Tell me did I miss the announcement somewhere that Devonshire marsh is now an industrial zone?One wonders how long it will be before the “Building Boom” reaches clear across to Vesey Street. (Boy what an ideal short-cut that will be for all those wanting to avoid that traffic nightmare just below Chaingate Hill everyday.) Hey! All you environmentalists, what's your take on this? Is it because it's not in your neighbourhood... or neck of the woods? (pun intended) We all see what has happened at Mill Creek and the monster that has been created there because of the building boom. By the way, when are you all over there going to get together and fix the road. Your businesses are accessed by? One wonders, is the same thing going to be allowed to happen on Middle Road Devonshire and Devonshire Marsh in particular?Come on Bermuda... All – I repeat all – of our “open” spaces deserve better treatment. It seems everything is about the “Almighty Dollar” which seems to be fuelling and blinding some peoples vision of the damage we are doing to our beautiful home land. May I remind you, God had given us this earth to be enjoyed, but also to be care-takers of it. So we had better hurry up and believe we will pay a hefty price, and not to our liking, if we do, undoable damage to it. After all we don't have any other option.FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTBUT COMMON SENSE DEVELOPMENTDevonshire