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Residents confront burglars in their homes

Three residents at different homes confronted burglars in their homes within six hours of one another.

Police did not say if the instances were related. None of the occupants were injured in the confrontations.

The first happened shortly before midnight on Friday on Mount Hill, in Pembroke.

A light-skinned man, approximately 5ft 9in, who was bald and wearing a grey hooded top and dark coloured clothing, was confronted by a resident when he broke in.

The would-be thief left empty handed and the resident was unharmed.

Three hours later at 2.55am a man with a bladed article entered a Mount Langton Crescent, Pembroke, home. The man left empty handed after the occupant confronted him.

The suspect was described as a black man, approximately 5ft 8in of slim build with short hair and a moustache. He is believed to be 18 - 20 years old.

At 5.25am a man brandishing a bladed article broke into a Friswells Road, Devonshire residence.

Again the burglar was confronted by a resident and again left empty handed

The suspect was described as a light skinned man, approximately 5ft 9in to 6ft wearing a light coloured tracksuit.

Inquiries into these incidents are underway.