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Moore to meet up with national squad next week

David Moore: Will join the national cricket squad as head coach in South Africa next week.

New Bermuda cricket coach David Moore will meet the team for the first time in South Africa next week.

The Australian will join his new charges at the High Performance Centre in Pretoria on March 27, two days after the team arrives and the day before the first practice match of the tour.

Moore will stay with the squad until April 2, the first day of their four-day Intercontinental Shield clash with Namibia in Windhoek. The move was confirmed by the Bermuda Cricket Board yesterday afternoon, with the BCB also adding that Arnold Manders would travel with the team and act as head coach in Moore's absence.

The former West Indies coach has already scheduled time for one-on-one meetings with his new charges, worked into a hectic training regime that will see the players working from 7.30 a.m till around 5 p.m. for the six days that they are in Pretoria.

Vice-captain Stephen Outerbridge has already had a chance to chat with his new head coach, and is looking forward to the Australian's arrival. And Outerbridge thinks the new man is likely to shake up Bermuda cricket from the start.

"I've spoken to him already, and I already know what he's looking for, what his standards and demands from the team are," said Outerbridge.

"It's going to be an interesting time, I hope he's able to implement some of the things that he had discussed with me.

"That may be controversial at the time, but we are looking for an end product and a successful one at that, it's going to be an exciting time."

Moore has a reputation as a strict disciplinarian, something Manders has already drilled into the squad, and has been in constant contact with the board regarding the make-up of the team.

"I've spent a lot of time with him and he's a strict disciplinarian. I don't think he's going to take any nonsense," said Manders. "Myself and the other coaches who are with the squad are keeping him abreast of what is going on."

And the Australian's influence can already be seen with a national training programme that has rewarded hard work, and punished those who haven't worked hard, and will cut loose anyone who doesn't perform.

Bermuda will fly to South Africa on Tuesday evening, and are due to stay in Pretoria from March 25 to March 31, during which time they are due to play two practice matches on March 28 and 30.

They then fly to Namibia where they will play a four-day game, two one day games, and a twenty20 match before returning to Bermuda on April 12.

Bermuda squad: D.Hemp, S.Outerbridge, F.Crockwell, J.DeSilva, J.Edness, C.Foggo, M.Jones, S.Kelly, J.Pitcher, S.Raynor, I.Romaine, R.Steede, R.Trott, J.West .