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Minister joins Wesleyan –Methodist Church

Calvin Stone

Perhaps it's simply human error, but we often look at members of the clergy as exalted, flawless beings who have no real connection to us "regular" folk.

In addition, it's not often you find a minister who is humbly seeking to do only what he knows God told him to do. The new minister at Wesley Methodist Church, Rev. Calvin Stone is a refreshing example of leadership by serving.

A Canadian, Rev. Stone has been heading up the church since July 1, 2009. Since Wesley Methodist is a member of the United Church of Canada, that's where they receive their ministers. Rev. Stone is a very likeable, friendly gentleman who has a quirky sense of humour.

"I'm a smart guy," he comments, then he laughs: "Well, a smart alec, maybe!"

Since coming to Bermuda, he admits that it's taken some adjustments, but he's very happy to be here. He laughs, almost bewildered: "I'm a Canadian, and I still have a heater on! I mean, I'm prepared for the cold in Canada …"

He seems very genuine when he furthers to say: "The warmth of the people here makes up for the cold. I'm enjoying the opportunity to worship with the people of Wesley."

A blended family, he and his wife Eileen have six children. He's trying to get them all to come for a visit. "One down, five to go," he chuckles.

When asked what he and his congregation are doing for the community, Rev. Stone replies: "We meet people's genuine needs, but very quietly. We (the people) are the hands, feet, heart and voice of God."

They are also looking into becoming involved with "Take Back Bermuda" or similar ventures.

He hastens to add that although he's still getting used to the culture here, he's very pleased with the spiritual climate. "This place seems to have been insulated from the effects of North America. It's almost ten to 15 years behind." He comments that it's good to see that the negative influences of mainstream America haven't seemed to affect the island that drastically.

So, does Rev. Stone have any major plans for Wesley Methodist? "It's not my responsibility to take over," he stresses. "It's my responsibility to love the people and enrich their spiritual lives. I don't have an agenda. I'm someone who has come alongside to help."

"Wesley is a congregation that welcomes everyone without discrimination or limitation," Calvin encourages. "That's what the people of Bermuda should know."