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Butler begins grappling with lax parish councils

Minister of Culture and Social Rehabilitation Dale Butler is to meet representatives from all Bermuda's parish councils after Auditor General Larry Dennis criticised them for failing to report their finances.

In his annual report released on July 18, Mr. Dennis called for Pembroke parish council to be scrapped and others warned about suffering the same fate after losing patience with their lack of fiscal accountability.

None of the parishes have issued audited financial statements for the year ending March 2007 while only Paget and Smith's issued audited statements for 2006.

The Ministry of Finance has already responded to the criticism by stating that former PLP MP Ottiwell Simmons has been sent in as a consultant to help improve reporting. The Ministry expects all councils to be up to date by the end of next year.

In a press release yesterday, a spokesman for the Ministry of Culture and Social Rehabilitation said: "The Minister is meeting with each and every parish council chairperson and / or executive members.

"At the conclusion of these meetings, the first of which was held with representatives of the Southampton parish council today, the public will be advised as to how the past financial issues will be rectified. The public will also be advised as to next steps for the future.

"Minister Butler wishes to assure the public that the Minister takes the Auditor General's Report very seriously, and is adopting these measures to ensure that better fiscal controls are in place."

Under the Parish Councils Act 1971, the functions of Bermuda's nine councils include maintaining recreational facilities, improving the wellbeing of persons resident in the parish and maintaining rest homes.