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Avoid having last minute passport stress, urges Senator

Home Affairs Minister David Burch

Home Affairs Minister David Burch has asked that Bermudians with travel plans renew their passports well before their departure date to save both themselves and his Department of Immigration staff time and stress.

Senator Burch told the Senate yesterday that he often receives frantic calls from Bermudians with lost or expired passports, asking for replacements immediately often on the very day of travel.

"Every year during the summer months, the Department of Immigration has staff that have to work overtime to print passports, sometimes as many as a 100 per day," he said. "The high volume is due in part to applications for express passports. Even with the overtime, the Department has to, eventually, refuse applications for express passports because those applications exceed the number that can be processed in the normal eight-day turnaround. This can be prevented if travellers plan better."

He asked that Bermudians store their passports as they would other valuables like jewellery, and ensure they have six months' validity left, especially if travelling beyond the US.

Sen. Burch asked that any Bermudians stranded overseas with a lost or stolen passport contact the Department of Immigration at 295-5151 ext. 1378 to be advised of the best options for returning home.