Two to run in St George municipal election
Two candidates are up for a vacant residents’ councillor seat in St George.
Colin Campbell and Zindziswa Swan were the only two put forward by close of nominations yesterday to fill the seat left vacant by Lloyd Van Putten’s resignation.
An advance poll will be held for those unable to vote in person on February 20 at the Penno’s Wharf cruise ship terminal from 8am to 8pm.
Voters who will be travelling can apply to the parliamentary registrar between February 17-20 for a certificate to vote in advance.
The Registrar’s office, in Craig Appin House on Hamilton’s Wesley Street, will be open for extended hours from 8am to 8pm to assist people who want to vote early.
Voters who are incapacitated can call 293-VOTE for advice on how to register for an early vote.
Polling day for people voting in person is February 27.