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Open house at KEMH kicks off World Breastfeeding Week

Bermuda Hospitals Board and La Leche League of Bermuda (LLL) will join over 120 countries celebrating World Breastfeeding Week by hosting an Open House today at the Maternity Ward of King Edward VII Memorial Hospital from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

This year's theme, 'Mother Support: Going for the Gold 'calls for supporting mothers in achieving the gold standard of infant feeding, as recommended by the World Health Organisation: exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months.

In addition, WHO recommends women continue to nurse, together with complementary foods, for up to two years and beyond.

"We know babies who are breastfed according to WHO guidelines are healthier," said Christine Virgil, Acting Programme Manager for the Maternal Child Programme.

"They have lower risks of respiratory illness, digestive distress, ear infections and allergies. And babies who are breastfed exclusively for the first six months have lower rates of obesity, diabetes and cardiac disease both in childhood and as adults.

"Breastfeeding also reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancers in women."

Lena Ostroff, Chairperson for La Leche League, a registered charity, said, "While many mothers intend to nurse their babies, we know breastfeeding rates in Bermuda are very low. And the number of women in our community exclusively breastfeeding for six months is less than one percent.

This directly translates into higher incidences of illness among our infants and children and increased healthcare costs for all of us."

Common reasons why women do not succeed in nursing their babies include a lack of support, inconsistent information, the need to return to work and overcoming doubts about the ability to breastfeed.

"Partnering with the hospital to promote and protect breastfeeding in Bermuda is an excellent first step toward helping mothers get off to a good start," said Ms Ostroff. "By working together, we can increase breastfeeding rates."

Expectant parents, mothers, babies and healthcare providers are invited to attend the Open House and meet with representatives from both the maternity ward and LLL, who will be available to answer breastfeeding questions and address concerns.

"When mothers receive accurate and consistent information from healthcare providers, support from community resources and encouragement from relatives and friends, breastfeeding rates increase," adds Mrs. Virgil.

"Everyone benefits when mothers are supported in achieving the gold standard in infant feeding."

Other activities scheduled for the week include: Photo exhibit at Rock Island Coffee presented by LLL on the benefits of breastfeeding with photographs by Sasha Blackburne, Infant T-shirt give-aways to breastfeeding women on the maternity ward.

La Leche League of Bermuda (LLL), a registered charity, has assisted thousands of women and their families in Bermuda since 1987 by offering information, encouragement and support for breastfeeding. Affiliated with La Leche League International (LLLI), the local Group is fully funded by donations from within Bermuda and offers services without charge, provided by accredited Leaders. LLL promotes and protects breastfeeding through monthly support meetings, a home visit service, information sharing with healthcare professionals and a telephone help line. Breastfeeding assistance is available by calling 737-4577.