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UK diplomats told to help businesses overseas

TOKYO (AP) – Britain's diplomats will put a "significant new emphasis" on supporting the country's economy and helping British companies find new business abroad, says Foreign Secretary William Hague.

"We will inject a new commercialism into the work of our Foreign Office and into the definition of our country's international objectives, ensuring that we develop the strong political relationships which will help British business thrive," he said, according to excerpts from a speech to be delivered yesterday. The Associated Press received a copy of the text beforehand.

Like much of Europe, Britain was hit hard by the financial crisis and is struggling under massive public debt. The country last month unveiled a new budget with severe cuts to public spending and a host of tax hikes.

Hague, in Tokyo on part of a trip through Asia, said an economic recovery depends in part on access to new markets. He said the foreign ministry would work to build up ties with emerging economies in Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Turkey.