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Police contacted in NJ murder probe

Police in New Jersey are speaking with officers in Bermuda over alleged gang member and murder accused Andre Trott.

Trott, 29, of Sandys — arrested after the shooting of Shakir McCray, 31, in North Brunswick last Thursday — is described by New Jersey authorities as a high ranking member of the Bloods street gang. Last night, Bermuda Police Service would not reveal whether Trott is a known gang member locally, and a spokesman would only say: "Law enforcement colleagues in New Jersey have been in contact with the Bermuda Police Service regarding this matter; however, we are unable to comment any further at this time."

Trott's co-defendant Cadre Williams, 31, of Conley, Georgia, died at the Middlesex County jail after his arrest on Friday. Authorities have described it as an apparent suicide, and an investigation is ongoing.