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Bermudian elected to Altrusa International board

An international women's organisation elected a member of its Bermuda chapter to be on the Board of Governors.

Mary Faries, the District One Treasurer of the Bermuda Club of Altrusa International Inc attended a conference in April to become a part of Altrusa's Board of Governors.

Altrusa International Inc was organised in 1917 and became the first national organisation of business and professional women.

The Bermuda Club was formed in 1948 and received its Charter in 1951.

Altrusa is made of 15 Districts with over 500 clubs worldwide. District One has 19 clubs in three countries, the United States, Canada and Bermuda.

The Altrusa District One held a conference last month in Portland, Maine from April 24-27 which was attended by nine of the 29 Bermuda Club members.

As an international organisation, Altrusa's focus is literacy and as a result of that, the Bermuda Club has been involved in a project with Northlands School.

This project resulted in restocking their library with 600 new books and a CD with each book which will be used to test each student's comprehension.

Although the Bermuda Club's main focus is promoting literacy, it also sponsors two foster children internationally, one in Sri Lanka and the other in Israel.

The Club's members are all currently women but it is also open for men to join.