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Aitken smashes national records

Record breaker: Kiera Aitken competes in a women's 100-metre backstroke heat during the swimming competitions in the National Aquatics Centre at the Beijing 2008 Olympics. Aitken broke several national records in Spain at the weekend.

Bermuda's top female swimmer Kiera Aitken destroyed several national records while competing at the Spanish Nationals over the weekend.

Aitken, who competed at the Beijing Olympics, set a new record in the 100-metre freestyle and chopped a whopping six seconds off the 200-metre freestyle record.

In her main discipline, the backstroke, she continued her assault on the record books by breaking the 50-metre backstroke, 100-metre backstroke and 200-metre backstroke. Aitken's 50-metre backstroke time gave her a third place finish while her other swims placed her in the top six.

National swim coach, Ben Smith, said Aitken's achievments were even more impressive considering the limited amount of Government funding she had received.

"We are very proud of her accomplishments and look forward to even greater results," said Smith.

"Her goal of achieving greater world class success drove her to return to Barcelona and continue her intensive training.

"Kiera's sacrifice is even more impressive when you consider the lack of monetary support she receives for the intense training that she endures.

"Both she and Roy Allan Burch are in a tough position while trying to train and compete with the rest of the world, without any income.

"It takes several hours of training everyday to reach the level that they are at now, with the addition of weight training and physio.

"All of this is costly with the athletes and their parents carrying this burden. It is very important for Bermuda to try to support these athletes during their journeys and not just at the destination.

"They are great role models for Bermudians and we must help them achieve their dreams."