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Island to host airport administrators

L.F. Wade International Airport will host a conference for 400 people this weekend.The event, the 20th Airports Council International (ACI) World/Latin America Caribbean Annual General Assembly, will also have a trade show.This year's theme is 'Airports on the Global Stage: Charting the Course' and topics include airline relationships, disaster management, environmental noise and safety.

L.F. Wade International Airport will host a conference for 400 people this weekend.

The event, the 20th Airports Council International (ACI) World/Latin America Caribbean Annual General Assembly, will also have a trade show.

This year's theme is 'Airports on the Global Stage: Charting the Course' and topics include airline relationships, disaster management, environmental noise and safety.

Governor Sir Richard Gozney will open the conference which will take place from tomorrow to November 3.

Speakers will include former US Transportation Chief in former US President Bill Clinton's administration Rodney Slater and Chairman of ACI World, Max Moore-Wilton.

The key note address prior to the first session on Tuesday will be given by Michael Rogers, of the New York Times.

The Airports Council International (ACI), created in 1991, is the international association of the world's airports and has 575 members operating more than 1,630 airports in 179 countries and territories.

In 2008, ACI members handled 4.9 billion passengers, 86 million metric tons of cargo and 77 million aircraft movements.