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Barritt named as whip

Mr. Barritt, a lawyer who represents the United Bermuda Party in Devonshire South, was last week named caucus chairman. It is believed he will be the first MP to perform both jobs at once.

Government Whip.

Mr. Barritt, a lawyer who represents the United Bermuda Party in Devonshire South, was last week named caucus chairman. It is believed he will be the first MP to perform both jobs at once.

"I think that it may be a signal of the change that people are likely to see within the UBP over the next five years,'' Mr. Barritt said yesterday.

While it may be "a precedent-setting move'' to have one MP do both jobs, "it is my hope that that means we will become a more effective caucus, a more effective body within the House of Assembly, and with the public in getting our points across, our decisions explained, and our policies understood.'' The caucus chooses its chairman, but Premier the Hon. Sir John Swan names the Government Whip.

"I feel strongly that his skills and legal experience together with the demonstrated support of his Parliamentary colleagues will stand him in good stead as my Whip,'' Sir John said in a news release. "When the House reconvenes on Friday, November 5, it will be a very different one from its predecessor.

"The several newly-elected members from both parties will mean a much more vigorous House and I extend my thanks to Mr. Barritt for accepting what is to be a very challenging position for him.'' Mr. Barritt will take over as Whip when the House reconvenes on November 5 -- his 43rd birthday.

With the UBP holding a slim 21-18 majority once former Whip Dr. Dyer was named Speaker, the role of assuring MPs are present for crucial votes will be particularly important. But Mr. Barritt said he would not be playing the role of heavy.