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Stolen cheque paid for plush hotel stay

three blank cheques from a Hamilton company and used one of them to obtain $9,500 from the Bank of N.T. Butterfield.

Maxwell S. Roberts then used the money to go to England where he stayed at the plush Dorchester Hotel in London, said Police prosecutor, Insp. Peter Duffy.

Roberts pleaded guilty to forgery and fraud as well as breaking into the Little Theatre with intent to steal.

Insp. Duffy said between May 1 and August 6, Roberts went to the offices of Energy Care Ltd. near Bull's Head on the pretence of meeting with someone in management.

Left alone in the office for a few minutes, he took three blank cheques from the back of a chequebook in the desk drawer, and left without speaking to anyone.

On August 6, Roberts presented one of the cheques, made out to himself for $9,500, at the Bank of Butterfield on Front Street, and left two days later for London.

The court also heard that on June 6 Roberts hid in a refrigerated storage room at the Little Theatre until the theatre closed, and then went to the office.

Insp. Duffy said Roberts spent several hours trying to open the safe with an electric drill and crowbar.

He finally gave up, and left via the rear fire door, setting off an alarm.

Roberts told the court yesterday: "I'm guilty, so I'd like to get it all out of the way.'' Acting Magistrate the Wor. John Judge sentenced him to six months in prison for breaking and entering.

He said the charges of forgery and fraud were too serious for his powers of sentencing, and Roberts would have to receive sentence on those charges in the Supreme Court.