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Lecturer to discuss role of Mary Prince

The true story of a remarkable relationship between a Bermudian slave and a white English woman will be discussed today at the Bermuda College.

The lecture, "Bermudian Slave and English Gentlewoman: Relating Mary Prince and Susanna Moodie'', will be presented as part of the Celebration of Black History Month and Education Month.

"Above all, it's a human story about two women,'' stressed University of Ottawa lecturer Sandra Campbell.

"It's a mystery too because we don't know what happened to Mary Prince (after the book was published).'' Mary Prince was born into slavery in Bermuda in the 1800s. On her quest for freedom this "very intelligent woman'' served as a slave in three countries and eventually shared her experiences with Englishwoman Susanna Moodie.

Dr. Campbell described Moodie's book, "The History of Mary Prince'', as a "world class book'' and a "classic of slave narrative''.

Although the two women were from Canada and Bermuda, Dr. Campbell explained that most of the later documentation and analysis came from American or English scholars.

"People tend to ignore or not to understand the differences between the Caribbean and Bermuda, or Canada and America,'' she argued.

Dr. Campbell said she hoped to provide a Canadian perspective to the story but was eager to find out what insights Bermudian people could provide.

"This is a very important work for Bermuda,'' she said.

"Bermudians are able to look in this book and see things that no-one else can because of their culture.'' The visiting professor said the lecture would not provide all the answers from the legacy of slavery, but would give people a rare personal perspective.

Dr. Campbell also paid tribute to former head librarian and local author, the late Cyril Packwood, and encouraged those seeking to learn more about the Bermudian slave experience to refer to his work.

The lecture and question/answer period will be held in the New Hall Lecture Theatre at the college, beginning at 7 p.m.

Proceeds from the presentation will be used to benefit the Bermuda College library.

Sandra Campbell Graphic file name: CAMPER BERMUDA COLLEGE EDC LIBRARY LIB